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Naxos Medical Polyclinic has barely closed its first year since its establishment and has already realized its initial vision of Prevention. On Saturday, May 11, the first substantial offer was made: free breast screening with ultrasound and clinical examination. Distinguished doctors Nikolas Kotsifopoulos (Breast Surgeon) and Konstantinos Stamelos (Radiologist) got to work.

The result? Forty women of all ages came for examination, including women from Amorgos and Santorini. There were findings in some examinations, but the essence is the creation of medical records and prevention!

Dr. Stylianos Vitzileos, the responsible doctor and founder of Naxos Medical, summarized the action by stating:

“The positive aspect is that we had a first approach regarding ‘prevention’ among women. We exhausted every time slot starting from 8 in the morning. We examined 40 women through ultrasound and clinical examination. The youngest was 20 years old, and the oldest was 75. The average age was 40-65 years old, which we had initially prioritized. There were findings in some women, who are advised to manage them based on medical advice.

I must thank our doctors, Mr. Kotsifopoulos, who came from Athens just for this day, and Mr. Stamelos, who also significantly helped as a specialised and excellent radiologist. Their assistance is invaluable in a comprehensive approach to the examinees.

Through this initiative, we aimed to highlight the social character of Naxos Medical. Preventive action is what we must undertake as doctors to reduce the risks our fellow citizens face. It is certain that we will soon have more similar actions.”

We should note that after the examination, women received a brochure with instructions regarding breast cancer diagnosis. Below is the brochure that was given for free to all women who visited Naxos Medical Polyclinic.
