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Nikolaos Koufos

Pulmonologist, Tuberculosis Specialist

Naxos Medical - Your Health Partner In Naxos - Nikolaos Koufos


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Nikolaos Koufos is a Pulmonologist – Tuberculosis Specialist, specialised in the field of Interventional Pulmonology. He received his Pulmonology Specialty from the 1st University Pulmonology Clinic of Athens. He specialised in Interventional Pulmonology – Bronchoscopy at:

  1. The model Interventional Pulmonology Unit of the 1st University Pulmonology Clinic of Athens,
  2. The Interventional Pulmonology Unit of the “Lahey Hospital & Medical Centre,” in Massachusetts, USA, as well as
  3. The Interventional Pulmonology Unit of the University Hospital “Institut d’ Investigació Biomedica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL)” in Barcelona, Spain.

He holds a medical license in the USA and is a PhD holder from the University of Athens, with research on the immunological and angiogenic mechanisms of lung cancer development. Certified trainer in flexible bronchoscopy techniques by Bronchoscopy International™ and co-founder of the Hellenic Training Association of Interventional Pulmonology (HTA-IP), with recognised educational and scientific work. An active member of the respective Global and European scientific Societies, with participation in international conferences, as well as publications in Greek and foreign scientific journals.


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